Do you ever have those days where you want to refresh your wardrobe? Put a fresh twist on some of your favorite pieces? Well this was one of those kind of days for me. I purchased this beautiful striped dress envisioning it for the beach, or casual weekend wear, but I really wanted to figure out a way to get additional use out of it. In comes one of my favorite vests! This beautiful business vest (similar) is a soft white, comes fully lined, and offers a slight collar. I slipped this over the dress, and voila! This chic ensemble emerged!
When I purchased these pieces I never envisioned pairing them in such a way, but that’s the fun this about clothing, with styles and tastes always changing, the possibilities are endless! It’s great to browse through your closet every once and a while, and see what new creation you can come up with, and what pieces you may have forgotten about. They just might become a front runner in your go-to rotation.
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