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Daily Archives: October 1, 2024

Before the Bell Oklahoma

The past 9 months have been a flash! Every day since giving birth to my little one has been a day of firsts. From learning how to put on a diaper to feeding, the first few weeks are filled with setting a routine and getting acquainted with baby. But after that…then what? How do I fill her day with enjoyment? Entertain her? Help her learn and hit her milestones? What can I do for my child’s early development and education? With social media at my fingertips, there are endless opinions and good hearted advice but, what is right for me and MY baby? Thankfully we have Before the Bell Oklahoma, where I can find early learning resources that are geared towards families, and preparing my little one for success before the age of 5. With that said, I want to share a few ways we incorporate learning into our routine that are easy to do, fun and will make all the difference in babies development!

Did you know

The first 2000 days of a child’s life shape their future? Yes, that means even as a baby, each day holds so much meaning, and value into shaping who your child will become, and what they will be able to achieve later in life. All of the actions we perform each day from laughing, drinking water, walking and smiling are all new to baby along with the world around them. It is up to us to show them, engage with them and help them to learn.

One of my favorite resources from Before the Bell would have to be the guide to track milestones. Not only is this a checker, but it provides me with tools to support my daughter’s development, even links to find free pediatricians. A huge takeaway from Before the Bell is that early education preparation does not have to be expensive. Many resources and activities are free! Now let’s get started as I guide you through a few ways I have incorporated education into my daughters every day experiences to show you just how effortless it can be!


At just a few days old, I began reading to my daughter. Not only was this enjoyable to me, but believe it or not, my daughter enjoyed it as well. From looking at the pictures to studying my expressive features and the tone of my voice, each exposure was new and interesting to her! As she has gotten older, she now holds on to the book herself and can point at specific items and words on a page. She also prefers when I guide my finger along with each word that is read, which helps her to learn letters! As each day and week passes her interest and engagement level increases which is such a rewarding and fulfilling moment as a mother and caregiver! Taking those few moments a day to slow down and read a book together makes such an impact.

Music and Singing

For me, this began when my daughter was still in the womb. I played music for her, starting around 4 months pregnant, and continued through pregnancy onward. Mainly exposing her to classical composers and a mix of traditional lullabies, along with some of my favorites. I noticed right away that the songs she was familiar with soothed to her when trying to nap her or put her to bed! Yes, she remembered them of felt connected to the music somehow. I also began singing 2 rhythmic tunes when she was fussy, and those songs always relax her to sleep. Music has always held a special place in my heart, and to know that my daughter is also sensitive to music is so touching. Before the Bell features provides own Spotify channel, which includes educational songs, along with parenting podcasts! Both of which can be wonderful assets, so if you are looking for something to play in the car or while you are preparing lunch, this is an excellent option!

Nature Walk

Outdoor time is something we love to do as a family. The exposure to new things is limitless, even in your own backyard! My daughter loves exploring colorful flowers, touching leaves of different textures, looking up at tall trees, hearing birds chirping, and feeling the rain. These activities might seem simple to you and me, but to a new little human they are vast and exciting experiences! Taking the time to share nature with my daughter has been beautiful. Not only is it educational for her, but I appreciate so many things now that I would have normally taken for granted because of the wonder I see in her eyes when she learns about it.

Sensory Stations

A simple and fun activity I put together for my daughter was a few sensory bottles. Just by filling a few water bottles with food coloring, dish soap, glitter, and baby oil, new toys were created! Offering crinkle, sparkle, sloshing liquid, and color these bottles help with coordination, and many other skills!

Language Love

To layer on top of reading, and speaking my husband and I are teaching our daughter daily in both English and Spanish. The majority of her books are bilingual, and many of her toys are in both languages as well. From singing lullabies, to everyday conversation, we expose her to a variety of words in both languages so that she can be fluent in them as she grows! My daughter is just 9 months old at the completion of this post and has said the following words. “Mama, Dada, Good, Mmm, and the sound Bah” She has not spoken a word in Spanish yet, but I am excited for the day she does, as there are many she already understands, such as actions like “dame cinco” and animals like “osa”.

I cannot wait to continue learning with my little one. She never ceases to amaze me with her abilities, and knowing that I am empowered with the tools to provide her the best start in life possible is a comfort and blessing. For more information about Before The Bell, visit