A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to receive a Fraxel laser treatment with Dr. Rednam, in Houston. I wanted to wait to give you my review and experience once my skin had a chance to fully heal, and I could truly share all of the results with you. So let’s get started!
The process first started with a consultation. Here I met with Dr. Rednam one-on-one in her office so that we could discuss my wants, current skin care routine, and provide her the opportunity to give my skin a full assessment before the procedure. – Yes, you need to take off all of your makeup for this, so it’s best to show up fresh faced. I get cyclical breakouts, some of which can be cysts so before I could schedule my Fraxel session she put me on a round of antibiotics to clear up my skin, as well as, started me on Alastin Skin Nectar day and night to prepare my skin for the treatment. *This is the secret, and most important step to a quick turn around after Fraxel! And finally, we discussed what would happen the day of, and what results I could expect.
What is the laser like?
There are 2 lasers used to penetrate, and target specific skin needs such as redness, fine lines, discolorations, and scarring. During the treatment, a pass is made over the entire face with one laser; in a sort of crisscross pattern, and then again a second time with the other grade laser.
How long does the treatment take?
The actual treatment itself takes about 20-30 minutes, but you have to numb first for about 40 minutes; so prepare to be there for around 1.5 to 2 hours total.
When I arrived at her office the day of my treatment I was first escorted to the photo room to take before photos and sign waivers. After, I went to the procedure room and met with the nurse who applied the numbing cream to my face. After that, you get about 40 minutes to sit and relax while your face “falls asleep”. Next, it’s time to actually get started. The numbing agent was wiped off and I was handed a tube of air which contained Pronox. This is a gas to assist with anxiety and pain management during the treatment. Dr. Rednam wants you to be as comfortable as possible, and for you to have a pleasant experience, so she offers wonderful services such as this! I took about 8 breaths through the tube and we got started!
The first passes are over the forehead, and if you are curious, yes you feel it… but it is a tolerable sting. The best way I can describe it is a hot sensation…sort of like poking at a sunburn. Certain areas of the face are more sensitive than others, and at any time you desire a break she stops and you can breathe in more Pronox. Once both passes had been made across my face with each level of laser, she applied the Alastin Skin Nectar and then Oxygenetix foundation which is seriously the BEST thing! It is the lightest foundation which also includes aloe and SPF with full coverage! This foundation, along with the Alastin Skin Nectar was my routine for the next month, and allows you to continue on your day as normal without anyone being able to really tell you had anything done!
Because I had been using the Skin Nectar before the procedure my healing time was very quick, as it preps your skin and gets it into the best condition. So when I arrived home after the treatment I was to ice my face. It was still very numb, but I could feel a lot of heat on my face. Later that evening there was quite a bit of swelling but not much discomfort at all; even when the numbing agent wore completely off. The next morning there was quite a bit of swelling still on my face, as well as redness, but nothing the Oxygenetix couldn’t help with! I was even able to do a photo shoot the very next day! *However I will add you need to keep your face out of direct sunlight and wear SPF!
Now over the next few days my face got super itchy and began to peel. I continued with my routine and no one was even able to tell what was happening under the Oxygenetix! The swelling completely subsided by the end of the first week, and most of the peeling had finished. For me, peeling is the worst! It just grosses me out – but that’s just a personal struggle, lol. I’ll add in a close up pic just so you can see how crusty it got, lol!
Everyday that passes I notice brightening and softening to my skin, as well as, less redness in my cheeks. I was starting to get fine lines on my forehead and those are pretty much entirely gone and my smile lines have softened. I have a scar on my forehead which is also much lighter now. – And again, this is all just from one treatment. On average Fraxel is done in 3 sessions depending on the desired results, each spaced out over 6 weeks, with results lasting over a year. Again, this is dependent on age, and desired results.
I am very impressed with the results, and also can’t speak any higher about Dr. Rednam, her staff, along the products used. Every step of the way I knew I was in good hands and have seen amazing results from the Fraxel treatment, the Oxygenetix, and the Alastin Skincare Skin Nectar; which is my absolute favorite product now! It even helps to keep my skin clear of breakouts!
I hope you enjoyed this and if you are interested in Fraxel, or any of the products mentioned just click on the words and you can get everything you need!
A special thank you again to Dr. Rednam and her team for providing me the pleasure of experiencing a Fraxel treatment first hand and for treating me with the upmost care!
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